1st Mystery Number Skype

The First Skype

Last Friday was our first Skype session with a fantastic 2nd grade classroom from Hoover, Alabama.  We played a game called Mystery Number Skype.  Through process of elimination we have to try and guess their number before they guess ours.  After the game we found out that it almost never snows there and they have close to the same population as we do here.  This video was made by our video photographer (a student) after the session.  We can’t wait for our next Skype!

Stem Catapults

Our latest STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) project was on Halloween.  Pumpkin catapults were built out of Popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and tape.  Measurements of length were recorded to see how far the pumpkin was flung from the catapult. Then modifications were done and lengths were measured again.  Ask your  son/daughter about the difference between  potential energy and kinetic energy.